In the Accounting module of FASTER Web, you can perform functions such as creating new account, managing credit cards, billing adjustments, budgets, account receivables, and payables.
Note: You can choose to maintain accounts in the Accounting module of FASTER Web, or in the generic System Default Account that includes unlimited funds, and a default budget year 3000. The setting to maintain accounts is configured in the Accounting Settings section of the Setup module.
The Accounting module landing page displays one of the following charts:
· Top 5 Accounts by Expenditures
· Current Billing Cost vs. Revenue
The Accounting landing page displays the Top 5 Accounts by Expenditures chart when you choose to maintain all the accounts in the Accounting module of FASTER Web.
To view the Top 5 Accounts by Expenditures chart, click the Top 5 Accounts by Expenditures link.
The Top 5 Accounts by Expenditures chart includes the following bars:
· Expended - Displays the amount spent on items received. The color code for Expended bar is orange .
· Encumbrances - Displays the amount held for items which are ordered but not yet received. The color code for Encumbrances bar is blue .
Click the Expended and Encumbrances bars to view the details of Purchase order or Credit card number, Budget Year, Encumbered, Expended and Budgeted Amount.
· Budgeted - Displays the total budgeted amount for the account. The color code for Budgeted bar is green .
Click the Budgeted bar to view respective account details such as Fiscal year, Status, Budgeted, Amended, Encumbrance, Unencumbered and Expended amounts.
The Accounting landing page displays the Current Billing Cost vs. Revenue chart when you choose the generic System Default Account to maintain accounts. This landing page chart is based on billing, therefore the chart displays Cost vs Revenue (Revenue = Cost + Mark Up).
To view the Current Billing Cost vs. Revenue chart, click the Current Billing Cost vs. Revenue chart link.
The Current Billing Cost vs. Revenue chart includes the following:
· One bar (Cost) for the following cost categories:
§ Labor
§ Other Cost
§ Fixed Cost
· Two bars (Cost, and Cost + Markup) for the following cost categories:
§ Parts
§ Sublet
§ Fuel
You can click the bars to know the department - wise cost information.