Managing Meters

The Meters section lets you add meter types to the asset. The meter type for an asset can be Hours, Kilometers, or Mileage meter. The readings accumulated by the meter over a time for the asset lets you track the performance of the asset.

You can add multiple meter types to an asset, but each meter type must be a unique type. You cannot add the same meter types to a single asset record.


To view the Add Meter dialog box, click the Add Meter link.

Adding a Meter

With required permission, you can add a meter type to the asset record.

To add a meter

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Meters section, click the Add New Meter link.

The Add Meter dialog box opens.

4.    In the Meter Type list, select a meter type for the asset.

5.    In the Digit box, type the number of physical positions to record readings in the asset meter.

6.    In the Life Expectancy box, type the total number of meter units the asset is expected to acquire over its life time.

7.    In the Acquire Reading box, type the meter reading when the asset was acquired.

8.    In the date field, type the date and time when the meter is added to the asset in the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM format, or select the date from the calendar and time from the clock.


  • While adding an asset meter type, the Meter Required For field lets you mark the meter readings for work order and fuel transactions as required or optional. By default, the Work Order and Fuel check boxes are selected indicating that the meter readings are required. You can clear the check boxes to make the meter readings optional.
  • The asset meter readings can be set as required or optional while creating a work order, manually entering the fuel transactions, and importing the fuel transactions.
  • The Begin FY Reading box takes the same value that you provide in the Acquire Reading box.
  • The Validate On Import check box is applicable only when performing a fuel import. Click the Validate On Import check box to display the invalid meter readings in the Process Errors section even if the Fuel check box is set to optional.

9.    Click one of the following:

o      Click Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

o      Click Save & Add Meter Reading to save the information and add meter reading.

o      Click Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

Editing a Meter

The Edit Meter dialog box lets you update or modify the meter details.


  • While editing an asset meter type, the Meter Required For field lets you mark the meter readings for work order and fuel as required or optional. The asset meter readings can be marked as required or optional while creating a work order, manually entering the fuel transactions, and importing the fuel transactions.
  • When you update the required meter reading of work order or fuel to optional, the Optional Meter Warning pop-up box displays the impact of making the required meter reading to optional. You can click Continue to save the meter reading as optional or Cancel to return to the Edit Meter dialog box.
  • The Validate On Import check box is applicable only when performing a fuel import. Click the Validate On Import check box to display the invalid meter readings in the Process Errors section even if the Fuel check box is set to optional.
To edit a meter

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Meters section, click the Edit link next to a meter you want to edit.

The Edit Meter dialog box opens.

4.    Make the required changes.

5.    Click one of the following:

o      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

o      Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

Deleting a Meter

You can delete a meter type associated with an asset if there is no meter transaction created for the asset or if there is no work order created for the asset.

To delete a meter

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Meters section, click the Edit link next to a meter you want to delete.

The Edit Meter dialog box opens.

4.    Click Delete.

5.    In the Edit Meter dialog box, click one of the following:

o      Yes, Delete Meter to confirm deletion.

o      Cancel to close the dialog box.

Making Meter Inactive

If a meter is made inactive, you cannot enter the meter readings of the asset for a new work order. In addition, meter readings for fuel transactions from this meter are not posted.

To make a meter inactive

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Meters section, click the Edit link next to a meter you want to make inactive.

The Edit Meter dialog box opens.

4.    Click Make Meter Inactive.

5.    In the Edit Meter dialog box, click one of the following:

o      Yes, Make meter inactive to confirm the action.

o      Cancel to close the dialog box.


  • Once you have made a meter inactive, the link and button change to Make Meter Active, so you can re-activate when necessary.
  • An asset record may have multiple meters, but each meter must be of a unique type. For instance, it is not possible to have same meter types for a single asset record.

Adding Meter Reading

To Add Meter Reading

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Meters section, click next to a meter record.

4.    Click the Add New Reading link.

The Add Meter Reading dialog box opens.

5.    In the Reading box, type the meter reading.

The meter reading entered is validated or overridden (in some cases), and then it is added to the database. If it is overridden as valid, it can be updated as actual meter reading based on the date and time when it is entered. The following table lists errors and warnings, their reasons, and available actions if the currently entered reading is invalid and if it can be overridden as valid:

Error or Warning


Available action

After Override Post as Valid,
is actual reading updated?

INVALID: Less than previous reading

If entered reading is less than the previous transaction reading

  • Accept as Invalid

  • Override, post as Valid


INVALID: Exceeds the max meter limit

If entered reading is greater than the maximum meter reading limit

  • Accept as Invalid

  • Override, post as Valid


INVALID: Greater than the next reading

If meter reading is greater than the subsequent transaction reading

  • Accept as Invalid

  • Override, post as Valid


INVALID: Reading plus total offset is less than acquired

If entered reading plus total offset is less than acquired meter reading

  • Accept as Invalid


INVALID: A reading already exists with same date and time

If meter reading transaction already exist with same date and time

  • Accept as Invalid


INVALID: Reading must occur after acquired

If meter reading transaction date is less than acquired date and time

  • Accept as Invalid


INVALID: Reading exceeds the range specified by meter digits.

If entered reading is more than the range specified by meter digits

  • Accept as Invalid




·       Accept as Invalid: The entered meter reading is posted to FASTER Web as an invalid reading.

·       Override, post as Valid: The entered reading is posted to FASTER Web as a valid reading and can be added as actual reading based on the date and time when the meter reading is entered.

6.    In the Date and Time field, type the date and time in the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM format, or select the date from the calendar and time from the clock.

7.    Click one of the following:

o      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

o      Save & New to save the information and add another record.

o      Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

Editing Meter Reading

To Edit Meter Reading

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Meters section, click next to a meter record.

4.    Click the Edit link next to the meter reading.

The Edit Meter Reading dialog box opens.

Note: The meter reading entered is validated or overridden (in some cases), and then it is added to the database. For more information on meter reading validation, refer to Adding Meter Reading.

5.    Make the required changes.

6.    Click one of the following:

o      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

o      Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

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