The Calendar section lets you quickly identify the tasks having their start date or end date (along with time in the Day and Week view) showing up on the calendar. Tasks include customer appointments, pending repairs, repairs, and indirect labors. The calendar also provides an option to view the tasks in daily, weekly, or monthly view formats.
At the top of the Calendar page, you can view or perform the following:
Preventative Maintenance: Click the link to open the PM dialog box, and view the preventative maintenance tasks which are due/ over due in FASTER Web. Click the Export button to export the PM tasks to the MS Excel format.
Employees Arrived for Shift: Click the link to open the Employee arrived for Shift dialog box and view the list of technicians who have arrived to the maintenance shop selected in the Calendar Filter section.
Pending Repairs without start date: Click the link to open the Search Pending Repairs page where you can view all the pending repairs. You can also view the total count of pending repairs next to the Pending Repairs without start date link for the maintenance shop selected in the Calendar Filter section.
Available Labor Hours: Displays the available labor hours only if you select a single maintenance shop and shift in the Calendar Filter section. Available labor hours is displayed only in the Day view. the Average Labor Hours are calculated based on the following:
If Time Standard is set and the Hours value is greater than 0 for the work order repair, then the Hours value is considered.
If Time Standard is set, but the Hours value is null or 0 then Estimated Hours value is considered.
If Estimated Hours is not set, then 0.5 hour is considered, by default.
To view the Calendar page, click the Calendar link.
1. Click the Maintenance module.
2. In the Actions section, click Calendar.
The Calendar page opens.
3. In the Calendar Filter section, perform the following:
In the Select Shop list, select a maintenance shop.
In the Select Shift list, select a time range.
In the Record Type list, select one of the following tasks:
Select All Record Types - Displays the appointments, pending repairs, repairs, indirect labor, and planned indirect labor records based on the search parameters.
Customer Appointments - Displays the appointments created by the FASTER Web user or Customer Portal user based on the search parameters.
Note: All the appointments are displayed in the calendar irrespective of the time range selected in the Select Shift list.
Pending Repairs - Displays the pending repairs available in FASTER Web based on the search parameters.
Repairs - Displays all work order and direct charge repairs available in FASTER Web based on the search parameters.
Indirect - Displays the indirect labor records created by the FASTER Web user or Technician Workstation (TWS) user based on the search parameters.
Planned Indirect Labor: Displays the Planned indirect labor records created by the FASTER Web user based on the search parameters.
4. Click Search.
The calendar displays the tasks as per the selected search parameters in the Day view for the current date by default. You can also:
o Click the Week or the Month link to view the tasks for a week or a month, respectively.
o Click the navigation arrows ( ) to move back and forth on the calendar.
o Click to open the calendar and select a date.
o Drag a task on the calendar to reschedule the start date or start time of the task. This automatically changes the start date and time of the task.
o Double-click a pending repair or a repair to view its details. Double-click a customer appointment to view or edit the customer appointment details.
Note: You can also select the following optional fields: