Re-Labelling Assets Fields

The Assets Fields page lets you update the name of certain fields in the Assets module.

Note: You can re-label the field names of certain fields where the Re-Label link is available.


To view the Re-Label Field dialog box, click the Re-Label Field link.

To re-label the field name

1.    Open the Assets Fields page.

2.    Click the Re-Label link next to a field name you want to update.

The Re-Label Field dialog box opens.

3.    In the New Field Display Label box, type the new label name.

Note: The Current Field Display Label box displays the existing field name.

4.    Click one of the following:

§      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

§      Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

§      Reset to Default Label to continue with the current or default label name.

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