Picklist values are the list of options in a drop-down list. The Inventory Fields page lets you view and manage the picklist values in the Inventory module of FASTER Web.
Managing the picklist values include the following:
· Making Picklist Value Obsolete
Note: The steps to manage the values of a picklist field are the same for all the picklist fields. The Category field is taken as an example. |
To view the picklist page of the Category field, click the Category Picklist link.
The Add Picklist Value dialog box lets you add values to the picklist fields of the Inventory module.
To view the Add Picklist Value dialog box, click the Add Picklist Value link.
1. Open the Inventory Fields page.
2. Click the View link next to the Category field.
The Category(TLPartCustomSpecCategory) picklist page opens.
3. Click Add New Item.
The Add Picklist Value dialog box opens.
4. In the Part Custom Spec Category Description box, type a picklist value.
5. When finished, click one of the following:
§ Save to save the information and close the dialog box.
§ Save & New to save the information and add another record.
§ Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.
To view the Edit Picklist Value dialog box, click the Edit Picklist Value link.
1. Open the Inventory Fields page.
2. Click the View link next to the Category picklist field.
The Category(TLPartCustomSpecCategory) picklist page opens.
3. Click the Edit link next to a value that you want to edit.
The Edit Picklist Value dialog box opens.
4. In the Part Custom Spec Category Description box, modify the picklist value.
5. When finished, click one of the following:
§ Save to save the information and close the dialog box.
§ Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.
§ Click Make Value Obsolete to hide the value in the picklist.
§ Click Delete to permanently remove the value from the picklist.
The Obsolete Picklist Value dialog box lets you hide a picklist value from the list so that it is not used in future transactions.
To view the Obsolete Picklist Value dialog box, click the Obsolete Picklist Value link.
1. Open the Inventory Fields page.
2. Click the View link next to the Category picklist field.
The Category(TLPartCustomSpecCategory) picklist page opens.
3. Click the Edit link next to a value that you want to make obsolete.
The Edit Picklist Value dialog box opens.
4. Click the Make Value Obsolete link.
The Obsolete Picklist Value dialog box opens.
5. When finished, click one of the following:
§ Yes, Make Value Obsolete to make the value obsolete.
§ Cancel to disregard changes and close the dialog box.
Note: After you make a picklist value obsolete, the Edit Picklist Value dialog box displays the Make Value Available link. You can also make the pick list value available in the Category list, as required. To make the pick list value available, click the Make Value Available link, and then click Yes, Make Value Available. |
The Delete Picklist Value dialog box lets you permanently delete a picklist value from a picklist field.
Note: You can permanently delete a picklist value only if it is not previously used in FASTER Web transactions. Optionally, you can hide it from future transactions by making the picklist value obsolete.
To view the Delete Picklist Value dialog box, click the Delete Picklist Value link.
1. Open the Inventory Fields page.
2. Click the View link next to the Category picklist field.
The Category(TLPartCustomSpecCategory) picklist page opens.
3. Click the Edit link next to a value that you want to delete.
The Edit Picklist Value dialog box opens.
4. Click the Delete link.
The Delete Picklist Value dialog box opens.
5. When finished, click one of the following:
§ Yes, Delete Value to permanently delete the value from the Category list.
§ Cancel to disregard changes and close the dialog box.