Alert codes are the alphanumeric values assigned to various problems that occur on an asset. The Alert Mapping Settings section lets you define a default repair reason for alerts in FASTER Web. This default repair reason is displayed in the Repair Reason list of the Maintenance > Alert Code Mapping > Map Group/Component/Action and Set Behavior dialog box where you map the alert codes to a repair code. In the Alert Mapping Settings section, you can also configure settings to automatically convert the unmapped alerts to pending repairs.
To view the Edit Alert Mapping Settings dialog box, click the Edit Alert Mapping Settings link.
1. Click the Setup module.
2. In the Application Setup section, do one of the following:
§ Click next to the Maintenance option, and then click Settings.
§ In the Maintenance section of Application Setup, click the Settings link.
The Maintenance Settings page opens.
3. In the Alert Mapping Settings section, click Edit Alert Mapping Settings.
The Edit Alert Mapping Settings dialog box opens.
4. In the Alert Repair Reason list, select a repair reason.
Note: To automatically convert a new unmapped alert to pending repair, select the Create Pending Repair for New Alert check box. Upon selecting this check box, all the new alerts that are not mapped to a repair code are automatically converted to pending repairs.
5. Click one of the following:
§ Save to save the information and close the dialog box.
§ Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.