Notes Tab

On the Notes tab, you can add additional information pertaining to certain FASTER Web functions such as assets, inventory, maintenance, and vendors. You can add one or more notes, each with its own subject and details.


To view the Notes Tab, click the Notes link.

The Notes tab lets you:


You can follow these tips while working with the notes:

·       Creating and managing notes is permission based.

·       A toolbar is available when creating or editing a note which allows you to:

o      Format the text appearance (font, font size, font color, bold, italic, and underline)

o      Format the text as list (numbered or bullet)

o      Enter a time stamp

o      Perform functions such as spell check, print, find and replace, undo, redo, copy, and paste

·       The notes list is displayed in a grid with the following details about each note:

o      Subject

o      Modified Date and Time

o      Modified By

o      Created Date and Time

o      Created By

·       Notes grid displays only the subject of the note. You can:

o      Click   adjacent to a note to view note text.

o      Click the Show All Notes link to expand all notes displaying full texts. To return viewing notes only by subject, click Hide All Notes.

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