Performing Advanced Search

You can also perform an advanced work order search or direct charge search based on the multiple search options available in the work order advanced search and direct charge advanced search, respectively.

Work Order Advanced Search


To view the Advanced Search Options - Work Orders page, click the Advanced Search Options - Work Orders link.

To perform an advanced work order search

1.    In the Search Maintenance section, select Work Order as the search criteria.

2.    Click the Advanced Search link.

The Advanced Search Options - Work Orders window opens.

3.    Specify the following search parameters:

a.    In the Work Order Number or Asset Number box, type the exact or the partial work order number or asset number you want to search.

b.    In the Asset Organization list, select the asset organization.

c.     In the Maintenance Shop list, select the maintenance shop.

d.    In the Work Order Status list, select the work order status.

e.    In the Work Order Date In field, specify the start date of the work order.

f.      In the Class list, select the asset class.

g.    In the Technician list, select the technician who has worked on the repairs of the work order.

h.    In the Other list, select a feature based on which you want to perform search.

i.      Optionally, if you know the exact asset number or work order number, select the Exact Match check box to exactly match the search result with the search parameters.

j.      Optionally, select the Include Closed Work Orders check box to view the closed work orders.

k.     Optionally, select the Include Obsolete Work Orders check box to view the obsolete work orders.

Note: The Include Obsolete Work Orders check box is displayed, only if you have the Work Order Create permission.

4.    Click Search.

The Search Results grid displays the work orders along with the following information:

o      Asset Number

o      Asset Organization

o      Document Number

o      Document Symptom

o      Status

o      Meter Reading

o      Maintenance Shop

o      Total Cost

o      Date/ Time In

o      Date/ Time Out

5.    In the Action column, click View next to the work order you want to view.

Direct Charge Advanced Search


To view the Advanced Search Options - Department Direct Charges page, click the Advanced Search Options - Department Direct Charges link.

To perform an advanced direct charge search

1.    In the Search Maintenance section, select Direct Charge as the search criteria.

2.    Click the Advanced Search link.

The Advanced Search Options - Department Direct Charges window opens.

3.    Specify the following search parameters:

a.    In the Document or Department Number box, type the exact or the partial direct charge number or department number you want to search.

b.    In the Document Status list, select the direct charge status.

c.     In the Document Date In field, specify the start date of the direct charge.

d.    In the Asset Organization list, select the asset organization.

e.    In the Asset Number box, type the asset number.

f.      In the Maintenance Shop list, select the maintenance shop.

g.    In the Other list, select a feature based on which you want to perform search.

h.    Optionally, if you know the exact direct charge number or department number, select the Exact Match check box to exactly match the search result with the search parameters.

i.      Optionally, select the Include Closed Documents check box to view the closed direct charges.

j.      Optionally, select the Include Obsolete Documents check box to view the obsolete direct charges.

Note: The Include Obsolete Documents check box is displayed, only if you have the Direct Charge Create permission.

4.    Click Search.

The Search Results grid displays the direct charges along with the following information:

o      Asset Number

o      Asset Organization

o      Document Number

o      Document Symptom

o      Status

o      Maintenance Shop

o      Total Cost

o      Date/ Time In

5.    In the Action column, click View next to the direct charge you want to view.

Navigation Tips:

  • To expand or collapse the grids in the search window, click to the right of the title bars.
  • To move the grids in the search window, drag a grid to a desired location. To save the position of the grid, click the icon. The position of the grids will be the same next time you open the search window.
  • To sort the search results displayed in a column by any category, click the column header.
  • To browse through the search results, use the arrows in the upper part or the lower part of the search result grid. You can also specify whether to display the entire search result or ten results at a time.
  • If there are too may results to display, the search returns an error message as The search results exceed the maximum number of records allowed. Only the first ‘x’  records are being shown. Please refine your search criteria if the record for which you are searching is not in the list returned. You must narrow your search to display targeted results.
  • To export the search results to a spreadsheet, word document, or CSV file, click the appropriate export link on the upper-right corner of the search results grid.


Exporting the Search Results Grid

You can export the Search Results grid in the following formats:

·       Microsoft Excel (.xls)

·       Microsoft Word (.doc)

·       Comma-Separated Values (.csv)

To export the search results grid

1.    Click the Microsoft Excel ( ), Microsoft Word ( ), or Comma-Separate Value ( ) icon in the upper-right corner of the Search Results grid.

The File Download dialog box opens prompting you to Open, Save, or Cancel.

2.    Click Save.

The Save As dialog box is displayed with the File Type of the selected format.

3.    Browse to the desired location, specify a file name, and then click Save.

The Search Results grid is saved in the specified format at the specified location.

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