Asset contacts are the contacts specific to the asset along with their roles in relation to the asset.
· A contact can have multiple roles in relation to an asset.
· A contact can be associated with multiple assets.
· A contact may or may not want to receive email notifications of Service Update, PM, Alerts, and Appointments and text message notification of Service Update and Alerts of the assets to which they are associated.
· A contact may cease being associated with some assets but not all the assets to which they have existing associations.
· The Start Date and the End Date listed for a contact on a specific asset record affects all that contact's roles with that specific asset.
· It is not possible to have different Start and End Dates for different roles under the same contact on a single asset record.
· If the End Date of an asset contact is less than or equal to today's date, the asset contact is considered obsolete.
To view the Contacts tab, click the Contacts link.
The Contacts tab lets you view the past contacts, current contacts, and all the contacts associated with the asset.
1. Search and view an asset record.
2. Click the Contacts tab.
3. In the Show list, select one of the following:
o Current Contacts to view the current contacts of the asset.
o Past Contacts to view the contacts whose end date is less than the current date.
o All Contacts to view the past and the current contacts of the asset.
With required permissions, you can add an asset contact.
1. Search and view an asset record.
2. Click the Contacts tab, and then click the Add New Contact link.
The Add Asset Contact dialog box opens.
3. Click the Search/Add Person link to search or add a person.
The Persons dialog box opens.
4. Perform one of the following:
o To search a specific person, type the name of the person in the Search Person's Name box, and then click Search. In the search results displayed, click the Select link next to the person you want to add as the asset contact.
The Search Person's Name box also supports partial matches. For example, a search for art displays the records containing art anywhere in the person's name, such as Arthur Ames, Brad Martin, and Denise Carter.
o Use the arrows in the lower part of the Persons dialog box to browse through the persons list, and then click the Select link next to a person you want to add as the asset contact.
o Click the Add New Person link to add a new person in FASTER Web and assign the person as the asset contact.
Note: The person you select as the asset contact must have a valid email address, mobile number, and mobile carrier information defined in the Setup module, if the options to receive email notification or text messages are selected in the Receive Email Notifications and Receive Text Message Notifications fields.
5. In the Available Roles section, click the roles you want to assign the contact person, and then click .
For example, Operator Driver of the asset, Billing Handles all Billing related to the asset, Coordinator Handles assignment of the asset as a resource.
Note: · You can click · You can click |
6. In the Start Date field, type the date when the contact person holds one or more roles in relation to the asset in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or select the date from the calendar.
7. In the End Date field, type the date when the contact person ceases from one or more roles in relation to the asset in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or select the date from the calendar.
8. In the Receive Email Notifications section, select an option for the contact person to receive system-generated email notifications related to the asset.
· For email notification, the contact person must have a valid email id specified in the Setup module > Administrative Setup > Manage Security > Persons. · The asset contact can receive email notifications for the following: o Service Update - When the asset work order status is set to complete or based on the Sent Service Update Email and/or Text value set for the various work order statuses in the Setup module > Maintenance > Fields > Work Order Status picklist, an email notification is sent to the contact person. o Alerts - When an alert is imported for the asset in FASTER Web, an email notification is sent to the contact person. o PM - When a preventative maintenance is due for the asset, an email notification is sent to the contact person. o Appointments - When an appointment is created or updated for the asset from FASTER Web or Customer Portal, an email notification is sent to the contact person. |
9. In the Receive Text Message Notifications section, select an option for the contact person to receive system-generated text message notifications related to the asset.
Note: · For text message notifications, ensure that the Enable Text Messaging option in the Setup > Application Setup > Maintenance > Settings > Maintenance/TWS Settings is set to Yes. Also, the contact person must have mobile phone number and mobile carrier specified in the Setup module > Administrative Setup > Manage Security > Persons. · The asset contact can receive text message notifications for the following: o Service Update - When the asset work order status is set to complete or based on the Sent Service Update Email and/or Text value set for the various work order statuses in the Setup module > Maintenance > Fields > Work Order Status picklist, an text message notification is sent to the contact person. o Alerts - When an alert is imported for the asset in FASTER Web, an text message notification is sent to the contact person. |
10. Click one of the following:
o Save to save the information and close the dialog box.
o Save & New to save the information and add another record.
o Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.
You can edit an asset contact to modify or update the contact details of the asset.
1. Search and view an asset record.
2. Click the Contacts tab.
3. Click the Edit link next to a contact that you want to edit.
The Edit Asset Contact dialog box opens.
4. Make the required changes.
5. Click one of the following:
o Save to save the information and close the dialog box.
o Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.
While deleting an asset contact, you can perform one of the following:
· Remove the data of the contact person from the Contacts tab of asset, permanently.
· Keep a historical data of the past contacts of the asset by providing an end date to the asset contact.
1. Search and view an asset record.
2. Click the Contacts tab.
3. Click the Edit link next to a contact that you want to remove.
The Edit Asset Contact dialog box opens.
4. Click the Remove Contact from Asset link.
The Delete Asset Contact dialog box opens.
5. Perform one of the following:
o Click Remove Contact to permanently remove the contact details from the Contacts tab.
o Click Add End Date to end the asset contact but keep a record of this past contact.
o Click Cancel to close the dialog box.