The Edit Accounting Settings dialog box lets you update the configured accounting settings.
To view the Edit Accounting Settings dialog box, click the Edit Accounting Settings link.
In the Application Setup section, do one of the following:
The Accounting Settings page opens.
Click Edit Accounting Settings.
The Edit Accounting Settings dialog box opens.
Make changes in the fields as required.
The fiscal month indicates the first month of the fiscal year. For example, when you select November, the fiscal year is from November1, 2015 to October31, 2016.
Note: When you change the beginning month of the Fiscal Year (FY) and save the changes, a dialog box opens asking you to confirm the Begin FY Meter Reading. Do one of the following:
You can update the begin FY meter reading later from the Asset Settings page. |
Note: · An automatic billing adjustment is not made to direct charges with no assets. · A billing adjustment is done only when a document- work order or direct charge to an asset- is edited or deleted and billing has already been performed. · The automatic adjustments which are parts of the inventory receipt updates are included in its asset billing. |
In the Support System Default Account Code list, select Yes or No.
Yes, to use the System Default Account in FASTER Web.
No, to maintain accounts in the Accounting module of FASTER Web.
Note: · The System Default Account is a generic account that is used while adding budget line item to purchase orders and credit cards in FASTER Web. The System Default Account contains unlimited funds, and a default budget year 3000. When you modify the selected setting, a Warning Message dialog box is displayed indicating the impact of the new selection. Click OK to close the warning message dialog box. · If the Support System Default Account is set to Yes, the users must be assigned with the SYS organization permission. · When you choose to use the generic System Default Account to maintain accounts, the Accounting module landing page displays the Current Billing Cost vs. Revenue Chart. |
§ In the Prorate Asset Charges list, select Yes or No.
Yes, denotes that the asset charges are prorated based on the number of days an asset is assigned to each department during the billing date range.
No, denotes the full amount of asset charges are charged to the department where the asset is assigned at the time the billing is processed.
Note: When the Prorated Asset Charges is set to Yes, FASTER Web prorates Base, Additional Base, Insurance, and Replacement charges based on the number of days in the billing cycle and the number of days the asset is assigned to each department. Also, FASTER Web prorates Cost Per Meter charges based on the number of days the asset is in use and the number of days the asset is assigned to each department. |
§ Save to save the information and close the dialog box.
§ Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.
After you click Save, the Edit Accounts Settings box opens with a message to confirm whether you want to update the begin FY meter readings to all the meter readings in the system.
The begin FY meter readings are updated for all the meter readings in the system.
Note: If you do not have permission to add begin FY meter readings, the message that this can be done, with proper permission, from the Accounting Module > Closeout Process action > Begin FY Meter Reading page is displayed.