Searching User

You can search a user record based on the Username and / or Full Name options available in the Search Users section of the Manage Users page.


To view the Manage Users page, click the Manage Users link.

To search a user

1.    Open the Manage Users page.

2.    In the Search Users section, specify the following search parameters:

§      In the Username box, type the username.

§      In the Full Name box, type the full name of the user.

§      Select the Exact Match check box if you are sure that you have entered the correct text in the Username and/ or Full Name box.

3.    Click Search.

The Users grid displays the user records along with the following information:

§      Username

§      Full Name - Click the link to edit person's details

Note: This link will be enabled, only if the user has Manage User permission.

§      User Status

§      Account Status

§      Active Directory

§      Email Address

§      Restrict to Web API Only


·       To group user records by active directory, select Active Directory in the Group By list.

·       To group user records by email address, select Email Address in the Group By list.

·       To expand or collapse the grids in the search window, click to the right of the title bars.

·       To move the grids in the search window, drag a grid to a desired location. To save the position of the grid, click the icon. The position of the grids will be the same next time you open the search window.

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