Fuel Cost Setup

From the Fuel Cost Setup page, you can configure and manage the cost of fuel per unit for different fuel sites/ dispensers, and the date and time from when the configured cost becomes effective.

Configuring and managing fuel cost setting includes the following:

·      Adding Fuel Cost Settings

·      Making Fuel Setting Obsolete


To view the Fuel Cost Setup page, click the Fuel Cost Setup link.

To open the fuel cost setup page

1.    Click the Setup module.

2.    In the Application Setup section, do one of the following:

§      Click next to the Fuel option, and then click Settings.

§      In the Fuel section of Application Setup, click the Settings link.

The Manual Entry & Fuel Import Settings page opens.

3.    Click the View link next to Fuel Cost Setup.

The Fuel Cost Setup page opens.

Adding Fuel Cost Settings

The Add Fuel Settings dialog box lets you define fuel cost per unit and the unit of measure. After you define a new fuel cost, the existing fuel cost (if any) for that fuel site/ dispenser becomes obsolete.


To view the Add Fuel Settings dialog box, click the Add Fuel Settings link.

To define a fuel cost setting

1.    Open the Fuel Cost Setup page

2.    Click Add New Item.

The Add Fuel Settings dialog box opens.

3.    In the Select a Fuel Site / Dispenser list, select a fuel site to define fuel cost.

Note: The fuel type for the selected fuel site is displayed.

4.    In the Unit Cost box, type the cost per unit of fuel.

5.    In the Effective Date box, select a date from when you want the new cost to be effective.

6.    In the Effective Time box, select the time from when you want the new cost to be effective.

7.    In the Unit of Measure list, select a unit of measure for the unit cost.

8.    Click one of the following:

§      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

§      Save & New to save the information and define more fuel cost settings.

§      Cancel to disregard changes and close the dialog box.

Making Fuel Setting Obsolete

The Edit Fuel Settings dialog box lets you make the fuel cost setting obsolete when the fuel site or fuel dispenser is no longer used in FASTER Web.

Note: To modify the fuel cost setting such as unit cost and effective date/ time for a fuel site/ dispenser, add a new fuel cost setting for the same fuel site/ dispenser. FASTER Web takes the new fuel cost setting and makes the existing fuel cost setting obsolete.


To view the Edit Fuel Settings dialog box, click the Edit Fuel Settings link.

To make the fuel cost setting obsolete
  1. Open the Fuel Cost Setup page.

  2. Click the Edit link next to a setting that you want to make obsolete.

The Edit Fuel Settings page opens.

  1. Click one of the following:

§      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

§      Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

§      Make Value Obsolete to make the fuel cost setting obsolete.

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