Managing Email Templates

The Email Template page lets you define the email templates—email content, format and subject line—of the auto-generated emails that are sent from FASTER Web. These emails can be reminder emails sent for preventative maintenance, or emails for vehicle service completion.

The following email templates are available:

·      Acquisition Plan - Email sent to the user who is listed in the Assets > Plan for Acquisition > Asset Acquisition Plan Notification list for which the Send Acquisition Plan Notification?  check box is selected  in the Setup > Asset > Field > Acquisition Status > Add picklist value dialog box.

·      Alert AutoNotification - Email sent when alert is imported to FASTER Web.

·      Appointment - Email sent to asset contacts when an appointment is created,updated or cancelled.

·      Customer Portal - Email sent to the Customer Portal user based on the service requested.

·      Maintenance - Email sent to customers when the service requested is set as a deferred repair in FASTER Web.

·      Pending Repair from Alert - The email sent when a pending repair is created for an alert in FASTER Web.

·      PM - Email sent to customers when their vehicle is due for preventative maintenance. 

·      Service Update - Email sent to customers when the service requested is complete.

·      Spending Authorization - Email sent to the user with spending authorization permission to approve spending limit for work orders and direct charges.


To view the Email Templates page, click the Email Template link.

To manage email templates

1.    Click the Setup module.

2.    In the Administration Setup section, do one of the following:

§      Click next to the Email Administration option, and then click Create Templates.

§      In the Email Administration section of Administration Setup, click the Create Templates link.

The Email Template page opens.

3.    In the Template For list, select the template that you want to modify.

The content of the selected template is displayed in the Template Body editor.


  • The Advanced Notification (days) list and Non-date PM Variance box are enabled only when the PM (Preventative Maintenance) template is selected.

  • In case of PM template, do one of the following:

  • If PM is performed on the basis of number of days, in the Advanced Notification (days) list, select the number of days before the PM scheduled date to send the PM reminder email to customers.

  • If PM is performed on the basis of meter readings or fuel, in the Non-date PM Variance box, type the percentage of meter reading or fuel level to send the PM reminder to customers. For example, if the PM has to be done after every 120 miles and you set the PM variance to 10%, the system starts sending notification when the reading reaches 108 miles.

  • The Include Calendar Appointment check box is enabled only when the Appointment template is selected.

  • In case of Appointment template, do the following:

  • If you want to send calendar invitation email for the appointment, select the Include Calendar Appointment check box.

  • Once the calendar appointment email is sent, you can do the following:

  • Accept Appointment: The Appointment is added to the calendar.

  • Decline Appointment: The Appointment is not added to  the  calendar.

  • The nature of the calendar appointment email is based on the email application that you use to receive the email.

  • For details, see Managing Customer Appointments for FASTER Web and Manage Appointments for Customer Portal.

4.    In the Email From box, type the sender's email address.

5.    In the Subject box, type the subject line of the email.

6.    In the Template Body editor, type the standard body content for the email with placeholders to enter appropriate asset information.


  • Not all fields in the Template Field list are applicable to each template. If you add a template field in the email body, but the data for the template field is not present, a placeholder <Value Does Not Exist> or the name of the selected template field is displayed in the email that is sent.

  • Click here for the Template Field list for different types of templates.

7.    Click one of the following:

§      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

§      Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

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